Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Third times the charm!

July 25th~ I had my doctor's appointment today, Susie and Jon came with me and it went well! He did say I am losing weight a little fast. Umm... that is the only good thing I see in this whole mess! ha ha! He also said that he wants to put me on another chemo med once I have my ct-scan in August after my next round of chemo. This is the medicine that he tested on my tumor and it seemed to work! I came home from the doctor and had a pretty good day. But, that night, I was hit by terrible pains. I am not sure where they came from and do not want my mind to wander to dark places. So, I gritted my teeth and bared through it as much as I could!
July 26th~ Before chemo every week, my parents friend from high school, Dave, comes over and he prays with me and gives me and uplifting message to get me through what I am going through! It means so much to me! Every message he gives me I know comes straight from the Lord! He reminds me that God loves me more than I love my own children! He hurts to see me hurt and He is with me at all times! This day we cut it a little short because I was so out of it from being up the night before with the pains. I got to chemo and they gave me a private room! I loved it, like being in a hotel... (insert eye roll) But it was nice. They also gave me IV pain meds, which put me to sleep for almost the whole time! My favorite nurse was there with me. Her name is Gail and she calls me Trouble! LOL! I am a baby when it comes to being poked with needles. She even gave me numbing cream, ya, doesn't do much! During and after chemo, I drank as much as possible to not get those horrible leg aches! After chemo, Angie (my sister in law), Jenna (my 2yr old niece) and Nathan (my new nephew) came over and brought dinner!! It was so nice to see them and Jenna is still comfortable around us and house from me babysitting her for the first year of her life! I was sad when they left! Then around 8pm, my legs were achy, I really thought with everything I drank I wouldn't get the leg aches. They weren't as bad as last time at all! I was just over tired and just done and started crying! I try to be strong, but sometimes its all just a little too much!
July 27th~ Today was a good day, but I am a little nauseous! Smells are getting to me! I have my little chemo buddy with me! The good ol' fanny pack of poison! Lol! I get it out tomorrow and really hope I don't get sick! YES!! I will not question if its working if I don't get sick! LoL!!
So that is everything up to date! I will be back when there is more to post! Good night!

1 comment:

  1. HI Christi,

    Has anyone started to do fundraising to help with your medical bills??

    Love & Prayers The Harris'
