Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Well, I am finally back on my feet after a few road blocks! I will try to quickly update the past month and a half for everyone!

Nov 6th~ It was a Sunday and I wasn't feeling well when I woke up. Jon and I decided to stay home from church. I had this weird pain above my belly button. Not as bad as when my colon ruptured, but I couldn't really think of anything else but the pain. I had myself convinced it was an infection. My parents and the kids came home from church and I made up my mind. I was only home for 2 weeks, but I had to go back to the ER and get checked out! So, Jon, my mom and I jumped in the car and headed out. When we got to the ER, my friend Susie met us there. We were called back fairly quickly. They put me straight into a bed and then ordered me pain meds. After they got my port accessed and IV going, they sent me to do a ct scan! I KNOW I KNOW!!! I have had a million of these things now!! While I am getting the scan done, Susie calls my surgeon, Dr D, to let him know what was going on and so he could keep an eye on me. So, I get back from the scan and I am sure that they are going to pump me with antibiotics and send me on my merry way... WRONG!!!!! The doctor comes in and tells me that I have a small intestinal blockage! OK??? What does that mean. Well, it means that somewhere in my small intestines, there is scar tissue or a kink that is preventing waste to pass normally. The doctor informs me that I will be in the hospital another 4 to 5 days!!! I just broke down right there!! Are you serious? I JUST started feeling normal at home and this happens!
So, for some reason, this was very painful and the meds weren't working as well as I felt they should be. I was never really comfortable while I was in there. Then there was the tube down my nose that I refused. I didn't quite understand what it was for so I refused it! They told me putting it in would be the most uncomfortable 5 minutes of my life. But it was up to me. Well, why would I put myself through that right? Little did I know what it was for. I suddenly started vomiting. Well if the waste can't go down the way it is supposed to, it has to go up and out the other way!! YUCK!!! I swear the things I have gone through in my life is unbelievable!!

Nov 10th~Finally they are talking about releasing me. I for sure wanted me to be out before my birthday which was on the 14th. As the day goes on, I start feeling sick again! Not really eating anything, just chalked it up to nerves about leaving the hospital. Well, dr D has me released that night at 7:30pm. I get packed up and ready to go, when I start throwing up again. They released me anyways!!

Nov 14th~I had a dr appt with Dr. P anares on Monday, my birthday. The entire weekend I did nothing but throw up. Got to his office and he gave me a pill called Reglan. It worked like a charm!! I could eat again!! It also helps with my bowels situation too. I know TMI!! LOL!! I am sorry but there is nothing girly about me anymore. I am wearing stretching- yoga type pants everyday because of my colostomy bag. I don't even bother with doing my hair or makeup either, what's the freaking point?

The rest of the week, I was trying to get my strength back and trying to get my life back in order. Then this happens....

Nov 20th~ It was a Sunday, STILL HAVE NOT BEEN BACK TO CHURCH YET BECAUSE THE ENEMY IS TRYING TO KEEP ME DOWN!! I am in pain ON my belly right above the pubic bone, on my actual incision site. It doesn't itch, but it is red and irritated and hard, not soft like my belly normally is. So we call the surgeon at home and he tells us to do warm, wet compresses because it sounds like an infection. My pastors wife came to visit and she is a nurse so I have her check it out. She agrees that it looks like an infection and if I end up getting a temp, I need to go to the ER!! I automatically cry and just think, I can not go back there! NO WAY!! So what happens? I end up spiking a temp of 102.5 at 1am. Instead of going to the ER we decide to just call dr d and let him know what was going on and get his opinion. He said just meet him in his office tomorrow morning and we will be ok.

Nov 21st~ We go to Dr D's office and we get called back. He tells us I have 3 choices. #1 He can cut open a little bit of my incision and drain it that way and take 10 days of antibiotics. #2 He can lance me open a little bid and drain it that way and take the antibiotics or #3 He can leave it alone and I continue to do the warm compressions and hopefully it will drain on its own and take antibiotics. So of course, scaredy cat me chooses door #3!!!!

Nov 22nd~ When I woke up this morning, I looked down and I was laying in a puddle of nasty. I woke Jon up to help me and I got out of bed. I started taking off my pants while he was getting a hand towel to stop the bleeding (or whatever it was) I take them off and out of my stomach I am POURING liquid out of me. I thought I would just be oozing stuff. NO! This was streaming out of me like you wouldn't believe. It got everywhere! Finally Jon came with towels and we tried to drain as much as possible. Jon dressed the wound and we were constantly changing bandages. The draining lasted almost a full week. It actually stopped, then something else came up.....

Nov 24th~ Today was Thanksgiving and I got out of the house for the first time (besides dr appts, or the hospital) We went to Shayla and Eddy's house! It was beautiful and then we stopped by Chris and Angies for a little bit. It was a good day. I felt semi normal again!

Nov 26th~ The day started out great, we were rearranging the house so we could put the Christmas tree up and decorate the house. I was feeling great, still weak and easily tired, but really good. Later that night my best friend, Krista, came over with her family. We hung out, ate pizza and drank Starbucks. Around 10pm it hit me! The stomach flu!!! It was horrible!! I had it coming from both ends. I was up all night! Constantly changing my bag or throwing up. The next morning Jon called the on call dr and they said that I better stay well hydrated or this all could end up in another intestinal blockage!!!! So I tried my best to keep the water down and I did it! No blockage!!

Nov 27th~ Here it is! Another Sunday that I can't go to church! Still so sick. I start feeling better around Monday or Tuesday.

Nov 28th~ ONE OF THE SADDEST DAYS OF MY LIFE!! After 8 weeks of taking care of me hand and foot and being by my side through even the grossest of gross, being there when I crashed in CCU, spending every single night with me in and out of the hospital, changing my ostomy bags, bathing me like a child again.... (the list really could go on) MY JON HAD TO GO BACK TO WORK!!!! Thankfully, it seems I am on the up and up again. I start feeling really good!!!

Dec 4th~ I FINALLY GET TO GO BACK TO CHURCH!!! It feels wonderful to be back with my church family!

Dec 5th~ Today I had an appt with Dr Panares my oncologist! He gave me the all clear to go back to chemo. I am so scared that the side effects are going to be as bad as when I first had it. I had everyone I know praying for me.

Dec 6th~ Jon couldn't get out of work to take me to chemo. Luckily my friend, Susie, took me. I don't know what I would do without her! She even got to see Zombie Christi, I turned a grey color and have red underneath my eyes! I look really weird on chemo.

Dec 10th~ Tonight is Jonny's 10th birthday party. I kept it small, but it was fun. I did pretty good, especially since I didn't take any pills!! I also drove for the first time tonight! I was scared, but I did it!! Slowly but surely I am getting back to me!

So that about catches you up to everything! I will try not to let it go this long anymore, but for a while there, I never thought I was going to be somewhat normal, I just thought I would just keep back sliding! I am so thankful to God for pulling me through this. I am looking and waiting for what my lesson is in all of this. As always, KEEP PRAYING, GOD IS LISTENING TO OUR CRIES!!!