Thursday, September 8, 2011


Aug 31st~ Today was the prep day for the colonoscopy! NOT FUN!! I had to drink a liter of the grossest drink ever within 1 hour. Then repeat it again 5 hours later! I barely got the first liter down without throwing it up. I was just about gagging on every drink. The 5 hours seemed to fly by and I was not mentally prepared for the next liter. I mixed the drink with lemonade and went to take the first drink of the 2nd liter. As soon as it hit my stomach, it came right back up, I barely made it to the sink! What was supposed to take me 1 hour to drink, took me 3 hours and I didn't even finish it all. I know, shame on me!! After I was done with the drink, it was like a weight lifted off me! But I vowed that I will never do another colonoscopy again!!!!!!

Sept 1st~ I went in STARVING to the Colonoscopy. I got right in and within an hour, I was under and the procedure was over before I knew it. Dr Mathews came in, he is my GI doctor, and he said the tumor shrank!! He could not give me a percentage because he couldn't get a measurement the first time because he couldn't get the camera through the tumor. This time he could perform a full colonoscopy. But he did find that my tumor is still fragile and weeping so they will not be putting me on the new chemo medicine! I don't know how I feel about that, when I thought I had to add another med it freaked me out, but now I am freaked out that I am not going to be on it! Go figure!!

Sept 2nd~ Today I went with my friend Susie to Rico De Benitz salon, and got my hair cut off! They put it in a ponytail and cut off almost 15 inches!! I am donating it to Locks of Love! It is an organization that makes wigs with donated hair for children with cancer! Because I donated my hair, my stylist didn't charge me a penny for the hair cut!!! I love how easy it is to manage now. I had to cut it, it just keeps falling out and this way its easier to deal with!

Like always, keep me in your prayers! They are working! I need to stay healthy for my babies! Jonny started Soccer and he is on a really good team! So my Saturdays are booked from here until November! But I love watching him play! He loves this sport and has a constant smile on his face the entire game!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh buddy I am so sorry the prep was so horrible. I have a much better prep for colonoscopies using Miralax and dulcalax tabs (what my GI office now uses). It is so much better than the weird lemonade liquid yuck you have been on. If you do need another scope let me know ahead of time and I will get you the directions for the Miralax prep. I have had 6-7 colonoscopies and have had all different preps. The last one I finally got the Miralax prep and it wasn't great but I didn't throw up (and I am on meds that make me nauseated every day) and it didn't taste horrific. I could get it down. I threw up with all my other preps. I mixed the miralax in a pitcher of fresh brewed tea so the miralax dissolved. Then let it come to room temp. It is easier to drink when it isn't ice cold. Or super hot. I am rambling. Just let me know and I will share my tips with you. But YAY on the tumor shrinking!!! Great news!!! (I get a little passionate about the colon sorry)
