Sunday, January 29, 2012

The doctor is in!

Jan 23rd- Today was my regular oncology appointment. I do have a cold and so that makes me a little worried about my white blood count. When we get there, we find out that the doctor is already back from having the baby!! So that was good. In the appointment, he said my blood count was a little low, but not too low that I couldn't do chemo. which was a blessing and a curse! I hate going to chemo, but I know I have to! He also mentioned something that startled me a little bit. He said my chemo numbers were going up. Of course, being the scaredy cat I am, I didn't ask any questions. He went on to say that when I finish up this round of chemo and get my next scan done, we will send everything over to my surgeon, Dr. D and then set up my surgery to reattach me about 3 weeks after that! PRAISE THE LORD!!! I am so over this colostomy bag! I feel like a robot or something. It's just so unnatural! I know, I am a brat and should just be thankful that I am alive!! SO, after the surgery, my doctor said we are going to hit this cancer hard!! we are coming back and doing a 4th chemo called, Avastin. So, I will be on 4 different chemo meds

Jan 24th- Chemo time!! We went over all the side effects that I experienced the last time around. Not too bad! Only 2 days in bed this time around. feeling so sick and had a headache. But then, it turned into fatigue. But, I pushed past that. Then the nurse looked at me and asked, "So, when are you going to be thru with all of this?" Not a fun question, but I get it often. i just looked at her and said, "Well.... I am stage 4 and according to the dr's I will never be done with chemo. But, I am thinking I will have to endure this about another year or so!!" She smiled and replied, "So you are going to be here for the long haul huh? You can do it!!"

So we get home and I go to bed. I didn't get the headache, but the nausea was horrible. That next day was better! It got so good I attempted DISNEYLAND on Friday! I did overdo it and on Saturday, I paid for it!! But I don't regret one minute,.The kids were so excited that we all made it!

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